"It is never too late to seek solutions and end a conflict".
Information :
Me de Courten now welcomes you to her new offices:
Avenue de Montbenon 2, 1003 Lausanne
Her new telephone number is
021 311 19 19
Vaud Bar Association (OAV)
Swiss Bar Federation (FSA)
Jeune Barreau vaudois
Association Suisse de Droit du Sport (ASDS)
President of the Association des Anciens de l'Ecole Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande
Member of the Board of Directors of the Ecole Nouvelle de la Suisse Romande (ENSR)
Ski-Club Académique Suisse (SAS)
Société vaudoise pour la protection des animaux (SVPA) Ligue valaisanne pour la protection des animaux (LVPA)
To come soon
French, German & English
Alix de Courten joined the law firm Avocadid in Lausanne (Switzerland) as a partner at the end of 2004.
After working for 15 years as a litigation attorney, Ms. de Courten believes that all conflicts can have a solution and that mediation is the surest way to reach it.
She now works mainly as a mediator, as well as a lawyer trained in collaborative practice.
Thanks to a rigorous legal background (admitted to the Bar 2004, certified specialist SBA in Family law 2013, certified specialist SBA in mediation 2013 and training in law and collaborative practice 2019), a lengthy tenure as a litigator, a robust toolkit for collaborative communication, and well-honed listening skills, Ms. de Courten resolves complex situations that initially seemed intractable.
Ms. de Courten's expertise covers:
Family Law (family disputes, divorce, rights of the child) - swiss and international cases,
Inheritance Law,
Association Law (conflicts relating to voluntary associations, sports law) and corporate law, labor law (employer-employee conflicts),
Construction Law, and
Animal protection.
Finally, Ms. de Courten is still active in cases that place the citizen in opposition to the State, relating to matters of immigration law and criminal law.
In addition to authoring various articles about Family Law, European Law and Sports Law, Ms. de Courten is well-versed in issues related to sports doping. In 2006, she traveled to Colorado Springs, Colorado USA, to collaborate in the revision of the World Anti-Doping Code as a member of the Holme, Roberts and Owen firm (now Bryan Cave Leightin Paisner LLP). From 2009 to 2020, she clerked ad hoc for the Swiss Olympic Doping Disciplinary Chamber, now Swiss Sport Disciplinary Chamber. Since 2021, she acts as Vice-President of the Chamber.
Ms. de Courten has been developing her skills in mediation since 2013. She is currently a member of the Mediation Commission of the Swiss Bar Association and chairs the Mediation Commission of the Vaud Bar Association.
Ms. de Courten puts the breadth and depth of her international experience to work for her clients.
Outside of work, she is a licensed ski instructor and has a golf handicap of 8.